I Want To Be A Singer

I want to be a singer
I love the sound of music in the background
I love the meaning each of us has
For the same words spelled the same way.
I hope that maybe
just maybe if
I sing with enough emotion,
just a little bit louder,
maybe, just maybe
someone will see my meaning.
Someone will see my thoughts.
Someone will see my feelings.
But this will never happen I fear.
Every word, every syllable
resonates deep within me
and you see the evidence
in the bumps along my arms.
How can anyone see?
How can anyone not see?
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but mostly deep fear and deep love
of that which surrounds me.
I pretend, ignore, and withstand
yet I am not an actress.
I still see the world through myself.
I am not someone else
yet you cannot see
because of the mask I hold over my face.
It is see-through
yet you cannot see trough it.
Because I want to be a singer
and yet you will never know it.