November 10, 2011


 For this assignment I chose to write a poem, again, because that is what I'm best at.  It is the best way that I am able to capture my thoughts about a subject.  It is how I will show you what remember means to me.

We are supposed to remember
remember those lost
to war, unfair, horrible, stupid war
to life, unfair, beautiful, ending life
lost to accidents, unfair, cruel, terrible accidents
to murder, unfair, horrendous, loathsome murder
We are supposed to remember
the love they've shown
the way they had grown
and the way that we loved them too
We are supposed to remember
the laughs we shared
the way they cared
even though it will
never, never be enough
to stop the tears
to give us hope
to make us forget 
that they are gone
We are supposed to remember
things that our
memory will never
never be able to capture
never, never be able to do
justice, never
never be able to 
to make us not cry
to give us faith
Never, never to remember

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